Convicts Subject Abrahams, Esther Alexander Beckwith, Mary Borrowdale Castle Hill convict rebellion 1804 Charlotte Cockatoo Island Cookney, George Crossley, George Elizabeth Agnes Miller Factory Above the Gaol First Fleet Fishburn Friendship Golden Grove HMS Sirius HMS Supply Hyde Park Barracks Hyde Park Barracks archaeology Lady Juliana Lady Penrhyn Lucas, Nathaniel Lucas, Olivia Mary Reibey Meehan, James Muir, Thomas Neptune Order-in-Council ending transportation to New South Wales, 22 May 1840 Packer, Charles Parramatta Female Factory Parramatta's General Hospital Prince Alfred Park, Parramatta Prince of Wales Scarborough Scarborough: Second Fleet Second Fleet Second Fleet commemoration plaque, The Rocks Surprize The Colonial Hospital The colonial observations of Surgeon John White The end of transportation The myth of Sydney's foundational orgy William H Bennett Active Admiral Barrington Admiral Gambier Agamemnon Albemarle Albion 1813 Alexander Almorah Anne I Asia Assigned to His Wife Atlantic Atlas I Atlas II Atlas III Baring Barwell Bellona Blenheim Blenheim II Boddingtons Borrowdale Boyd Britannia Britannia III Broxbornebury Buffalo Camden Canada Catherine Charlotte Competitor Coromandel Countess of Harcourt Duke of Portland Earl Cornwallis Earl Spencer Eden Eliza Elizabeth Fanny First Fleet Fishburn Forfarshire Fortune Francis and Eliza Frederick Friendship Friendship II Ganges General Hewitt Golden Grove Grenada Guildford HMS Dromedary HMS Glatton HMS Sirius HMS Supply Hashemy Hercules Hillsborough Indefatigable Indian Isabella Janus John Barry Lady Harwood Lady Penrhyn Landslide Larkins Layton Lord Eldon Lord Wellington Malabar Mangles Mariner Marquis Cornwallis Marquis of Wellington Mary Ann Mary Anne Matilda Midas Middlesex Minerva Minorca Morley Neptune (II) New Grove Nile Northampton Order-in-Council ending transportation to New South Wales, 22 May 1840 Phoenix (II) Pilot Pitt Planter Prince of Wales Providence Queen Recovery Royal Admiral Salamander Sarah (II) Scarborough Second Fleet Commemoration plaque Shipley Sir George Osborne Somersetshire Sovereign Sugar Cane Surrey Tellicherry The Floating Brothel The Telegraph: a consolatory epistle from Thomas Muir, Esq. of Botany Bay... Third Fleet Tottenham Wanstead William Pitt William and Ann Carters' Barracks Hyde Park Barracks Castle Hill convict rebellion 1804 Execution of Thomas Barrett 27 February 1788 Inquiry into Female Convict Prison Discipline 1841 Parramatta Female Factory riot 1827 Australasian League for the Abolition of Transportation NSW Savings Bank Abrahams, Esther Allen, Julie Allen, Mary Allen, Tamasin Austen, John Gardiner Ayres, William Barber, Elizabeth Barnsley, Elizabeth Barrett, Thomas Barrington, George Beckford, Elizabeth Beckwith, Mary Bellamy, Sarah Bennett, Elizabeth Agnes Bennett, John Bennett, John 1769-1788 Bennett, William Harrard Bland, William Bloodsworth, James Blue, Billy Bond, William Brace, Emmanuel Branham, Mary Bridges, Christopher Limebear Bruce, George Bryant, Mary Bryant, William Buckingham, George Burley, Elizabeth Burn, Simon Burt, Samuel Buss, William Byrne, Andrew Cadman, Elizabeth Cadman, John Caesar, John Cahuac, John Calcott, Richard Careless, William Carmen, Edmund Chapman, William 1768-1810 Chartres, George Cheers, Jane Cheers, Richard Clarkson, Thomas Cluer, William Cobcroft, John Frederick Cohen, Henry Collicott, Thomas Collington, James Cookney, George Cooper, Daniel Cooper, Robert Crossley, George Crowley, Catherine Cubitt, Daniel Cunningham, Philip Curtis, Ann Dalley, Catherine Dalley, John Davis, Ann Davis, John Davis, William Dawson, Margaret Diacono, Salvatore Doody, John Dudgeon, Elizabeth Eagar, Edward Eccles, Elizabeth (Betty) Eccles, Thomas Egan, Brian Everingham, Matthew Farrell, Elizabeth Farrell, Philip Fidden, Joseph Fincham, John Fisher, Frederick Fitzgerald, Richard Fitzpatrick, James Flannagan, Robert Flood, Joseph Forbes, Francis Ewen Freeman, James Fulton, Henry Galvin, Thomas (Paddy) Gambling, George Gannon, Michael Gardiner, Andrew Geoghegan, Edward George, Ann Germaine, Ann Gerrald, Joseph Ghost, Bathsheba Girard, François Glade, John Gleeson, John Glossop, Ann Goodaire, Ruth Grady, Mary Green, Alexander Greenway, Francis Griffiths, Jonathan Griffiths, Thomas Hacking, Henry Hall, Charles Hall, Joseph Halloran, Laurence Hynes Hannan, Reuben Harrex, James Hart, Catherine Hartog, Haan Harvey, Henry Haslem, Samuel Henry, William Higgins, Eleanor Higgins, Thomas Hill, John Hill, Thomas Hill, William Hilton, Elizabeth Hilton, Joseph Hindley, John Hodges, John Hollister, Timothy Holmes, Susannah Horne, Samuel Henry Hume, Andrew Humes, Samuel Hutchinson, William Hyndes, Charlotte Hyndes, Thomas Pinnick Inett, Ann Iredale, Lancelot Irving, John Jackson, Richard James, William Jenkins, James Jenkins, John Jilks, George Johnson, Mary (convict) Joseph, Moses Josephson, Jacob Kable, Henry Kilpack, David Kirkman, Thomas Knatchbull, John Knight, William Laritsos, Georgios Larra, James Lavell, Henry Lawson, Sarah Leak, Jonathan Leighton, John Lett, Stafford Squire Levey, Solomon Lewis, John Lewis, John (d 1794) Lightfoot, Samuel Lock, Jonathon Lock, Robert Long, William Lord, Mary Lord, Simeon Lucas, Nathaniel Lucas, Olivia Lycett, Joseph Magee, Eleanor Mann, David Dickinson Manolis, Antonis Margarot, Maurice Marshall, George Marshall, Mary Martin, James Mash, Ann McIntyre, John Mealmaker, George Meehan, James Merrick, Edward Merriman, Mary Milcow, Constantin Miller, Matthew 'Matt' Moore, Isaac Moore, Rachel Morand, Monsieur Morgan, Francis Morgan, Mary (Molly) Morley, James Morris, John C Moulds, Simon Muir, Thomas Nelson, Isaac Newland, William Nichols, Isaac Ninis, Damianos Oatley, James Packer, Charles Palmer, Thomas Fyshe Papandreou, Nikolaos Pardoe, Mary Parkes, John Payten, Isaac Pearce, Aaron Pearce, Villiers Peat, Hannah Pembroke, Thomas Michael Pierce, Aaron Posich, Stefano Powers, John Rampling, James Randall, John Redfern, William Redman, John Redmond, Edward Reibey, Mary Reynolds, William Roberts, William Robinson, Michael Massey Rodius, Charles Rope, Anthony Rope, Elizabeth Rose, Thomas Ruse, James Ryan, John Ryan, Thomas Salter, George Selwyn, Elizabeth Shaw, Shadrach Shepherd, James Sidaway, Robert Skirving, William Small, John Smith, Charles Smith, Charles snr Squire, James St Leon, Matthew Stanton, Mary Steel, Elizabeth Stephens, Charles Stroumboulis, Konstantinos Tattersdale, Thomas Tawell, John Terry, Samuel Thompson, Andrew Thorn, Sarah Thrush, Thomas Tiffen, Robert Tucker, James Underwood, James Vandebus, Jane Vandiest, John Vasilakis, Georgios Voulgaris, Ghikas Wade, Mary Warby, John Watling, Thomas Watts, Joseph John Weavers, James West, Thomas Whalan, Charles Whitlam, Sarah Williams, Charles Williams, John 1816-1873 Wilson, Jane Wilson, Joseph Wiltshire, Charles Wiseman, Solomon Woolf, Aaron Worrall, William George Yeates, Ann Convict lumber yard, Parramatta Eastern Farms Emu Plains Government Agricultural Establishment Government lumber yard Longbottom Government Farm Parramatta Female Factory Precinct Pennant Hills Government Establishment 'An account of the trial of Thomas Muir, Esq. younger, of Huntershill ..... August, 1793, for sedition' 1794 'The Old Commodore' Billy Blue c1830 A Fleet of Transports under Convoy c1782 A government jail gang, Sydney N.S. Wales c1826 A murder committed near Parramatta 1794 Account of an escape by an unknown convict c1840 Are You Afraid To Die? Religious tract found during archaeological dig at Hyde Park Barracks Billy Blue 1834 Billy Blue, the Old Commodore, 1834 Bricks made by convicts c1789 and a keystone inscribed with Major Robert Ross's initials, photographed c1924 Bust of Thomas Muir, 2003, by Alexander Stoddart, Bishopbriggs Library, Glasgow Cessation of transportation celebrations, Launceston, VDL 1853 Citizen Margarot Delegate from the London Corresponding Society to the British Convention 1794 Citizen Skirving Secretary to the British Convention - A Tried Patriot and an Honest Man 1794 Cockle Bay, now Darling Harbour c1819-20 Condemned convicts leg irons, Brays Museum Sydney 10 August 1891 Convict Barrack Sydney N.S. Wales c1819 Convict road gang going up King Street c1843 Convict uprising at Castle Hill 5 March 1804 Convicts in New Holland 1793 Convicts letter writing at Cockatoo Island 1849 Description of the execution of Thomas Barrett in Arthur Bowes Smyth's journal, 27 February 1788 Description of the trial and execution of Thomas Barrett in Arthur Bowes Smyth's journal, February 1788 Detail of Panorama of Sydney 1829 Entry in the ship's Musters for Mary Haddock, alias James Burrows, 1792 First fleet storeship Borrowdale c1786 First page of the List of Female Convicts on board the Lady Penrhyn, from the journal of Arthur Bowes Smyth May 1787 Forgotten justice Francis Howard Greenway Gang of convicts working in a quarry around Millers Point c1821 George Barrington c1785 George Mealmaker 1793 Government Public Notice concerning Elizabeth Davis who absconded from the Female Factory at Parramatta August 1831 Hyde Park Barracks, Macquarie Street, Sydney 2006 Hyde Park Barracks, Sydney c1840-1850 John Jenkins 1834 Joseph Gerrald A Delegate to the British Convention 1794 King Street looking east c1843 Last page of the List of Female Convicts on board the Lady Penrhyn, from the journal of Arthur Bowes Smyth May 1787 Major George Johnston and one of the rebel leaders during the Castle Hill rebellion 5 March 1804 Mary Hyde (Mrs Simeon Lord) 1854-1865 Mary Reibey c1835 Matthew St Leon 1882 Norfolk Island flogging 1823 Page from Collin's 'Account of the English colony in New South Wales' about the death of John Lewis 1794 Page from Philip Gidley King's private journal describing ships in the First Fleet October 1786 Page from the journal kept by marine John Easty on the Scarborough, covering 15 February - 8 March 1788 Part of the Harbour of Port Jackson, and the country between Sydney and the Blue Mountains, New South Wales c1819 Petition by Jane Wilson and Elizabeth Miller for relief, heard by Bank of England Committee for Lawsuits 19 November 1818 Petition to the Bank of England Directors from Jane Wilson and Elizabeth Miller for relief in Horsemonger Lane Gaol, 17 November 1818 Plan of Parramatta Female Factory, c1822 Police report on John Knatchbull January 1844 Public notice: the undermentioned Persons have obtained Certificates, or Tickets of Leave, during the last Week, 28 October 1824 Quartermaster Laycock slicing Phillip Cunningham with a sword during the convict rebellion at Castle Hill 5 March 1804 Regulations of the New South Wales Saving Bank : Address to convicts on their arrival. 1819 Regulations of the New South Wales Saving Bank : Address to convicts on their arrival. 1819 Regulations of the New South Wales Saving Bank : a depositary for the savings of the poor. 1819 Regulations of the New South Wales Saving Bank : a depositary for the savings of the poor. 1819 Regulations of the New South Wales Saving Bank : a depositary for the savings of the poor. 1819 Regulations of the New South Wales Saving Bank : a depositary for the savings of the poor. 1819 Response from the Bank of England's Committee of Lawsuits to a petition for relief by Jane Wilson in Horsemonger Lane Gaol 21 January 1819 Riot at the Female Factory 1827 Rules and Regulations for the Management of Female Convicts in the New Factory at Parramatta 1821 Sarah Lawson, late 1790s Selection of Police Incident reports from the Sydney Herald in 1831 involving women who were sent to the Female Factory Simeon Lord c1830 Solomon Wiseman c1820-38 Sydney Cove, Port Jackson March 1788 The Charlotte passing through the Chatham Islands 1788 The Economy of Human Life - book found during the archaeological dig at Hyde Park Barracks The Edinburgh convicts and Farewell to Scotland 1850s The Governor has been pleased to approve of the following appointments... 25 October 1825 The Names of the Ships, their Commanders & co 22 March 1787 - first part - from the journal of Arthur Bowes Smyth aboard the Lady Penrhyn The Names of the Ships, their Commanders & co 22 March 1787 - second part - from the journal of Arthur Bowes Smyth aboard the Lady Penrhyn The Rev'd TF Palmer 1793 The Scarborough passing through the Chatham Islands 1788 The anti-transportation movement 1851 The departure of Thomas Muir from New South Wales 18 February 1796 The front of the Charlotte Medal 1788 The telegraph: a consolatory epistle manuscript from Thomas Muir to Hon. Henry Erskine, late Dean of faculty 1796 Theft from the lumber yard 1829 Thomas Muir Thomas Muir 1793 Thomas Muir Esqr, Younger of Huntershill, 1793 Thomas Muir, engraved by T Holloway from a bust modelled by Tho Banks 1795 Ticket of leave no 28/102 issued to William Anson, 16 May 1828, signed by Alexander McLeay, Colonial Secretary To the Editor of the Australian, on the decease of persons dying in public hospitals, December 1824 Transported for Sedition c1794 View of Sydney from the west side of the Cove c1806 Ways and Means or the Last Shift, cartoon featuring Parramatta Female Factory c1844 Wednesday August 15th 1787, from the journal of private marine John Easty on the Scarborough Woman doing laundry at the Parramatta Female Factory c1844 Women doing laundry at the Parramatta Female Factory c1844 'Convict Theatre: A radio movie about a highway robber turned patron of the arts: Robert Sidaway', from These Walls Have Ears: The Artists, 2013 Bonney Djuric on the Parramatta Female Factory 2009