Immigration Subject Americans Brazilians Cambodians Chileans Chinese Croatians Dutch East Timorese Egyptians English French German vinedressers in Camden Germans Greeks Immigration Indonesians Irish Famine Memorial, Hyde Park Barracks Irish in Sydney from First Fleet to Federation Italians Koreans Lao Latvians Lebanese Malaysians Maltese Matraville Muslims in Sydney Māori New Zealanders Russians Scots Tibetans Transcript: Miss Elizabeth Killinger talks about anti-German sentiment during World War I Transcript: Mrs May Rae recalls her father's work for Challenge Woollen Mills, Liverpool Vietnamese Villawood detention centre Abyssinian Afghan Ann Gales Beulah Brisbane Crusader Czar Digby Earl Grey Gange Immigration Restriction Act 1901 Inchinnan Influx of Chinese Restriction Act 1881 Johan van Oldenbarnevelt John Craig John Knox Kinnear Lady Peel Liguria Lismoyne Marchioness of Bute Maria Ocean Empress Panama Partizanka Rachel Radnik Rangatiki Royal Saxon Stirling Castle Strathfieldsaye Talisse They're a Weird Mob Thomas Arbuthnot Tippoo Saib Volendam Welcome William & Mary Emigrants Barracks Royal Commission of Enquiry into certain cases of alleged Kidnapping of Natives of the Loyalty Islands 1869 All Nations Club Anti-Chinese League Cleveland Street Intensive English Centre Ethnic Affairs Commission of New South Wales Federation of Ethnic Communities' Council Federation of Netherlands Societies Female Immigrants' Home Female Immigration Depot Female Middle Class Emigration Society Orphan Immigration Committee Barton, George Burnett Browne, Henry Cappiello, Rosa Chisholm, Caroline Comino, John Hicks, Lucy Applewhaite Jegorow, Bill Kerkyasharian, Stepan Kirchner, Wilhelm Kisch, Egon Saleam, Jim Bradfield Park Migrant Hostel Cabramatta Migrant Hostel East Hills Migrant Workers' Hostel Villawood Migrant Hostel Villawood detention centre 'Qualified and useful - qualified and useful - qualified and useful - unqualified and useless; careful here! He must be white.' APEX sponsored British migrants 1960 Bring out a Briton poster 1961 Buntha Nhem, left, with two other Cambodian orphans at Burnside children's home in North Parramatta 1983 Children in playground at Villawood Migrant Hostel 1973 Citizenship Advice Bureau at Bankstown Square, 7 November 1966 Cover of 'Female immigration considered in a brief account of the Sydney Immigrants' Home' by Caroline Chisholm 1842 Cover of Fairfield City Council's newsletter, CityLife December 2006 East Timorese child with flag, East Hills Safe Haven, Sydney, 1999 East Timorese young boy, East Hills Safe Haven, Sydney, 1999 Egon Kisch, the Domain, Sydney 1934 Emigrants leaving the ship, Sydney Cove 1853 German migrants on arrival in July 1956, aboard the FAIRSEA Hiring Immigrants at the Depot, Hyde Park July 1879 Immigrant employment scheme, Blakehurst 1960 Immigrants from Malta arrive in Sydney having disembarked from the SS Partizanka 1948 Immigration Restriction Act 1901 Immigration poster 1947 Immigration; or Where are the Immigrants? 1869 Italian migrants arriving in Australia 1967 Italians arrive on Alitalia, Mascot 30 June 1965 Latvian immigrant Mrs Stahl is helped from the plane 1957 Lucy Applewaite Hicks at work at the Immigration Barracks, July 1879 Migrants from Rotterdam travelling under the Australian-Netherlands Migration Agreement, Sydney airport 1960 Miss Antoinette Speteri, 100,000th Maltese migrant,1965 Portrait of Caroline Chisholm 1852 Portrait of Henry Ackaoui, Egyptian migrant 1977 Quarantine Station, Manly c1870s Refugees arriving in Sydney on the Orontes 29 June 1939 Regulations of the New South Wales Saving Bank : Address to convicts on their arrival. 1819 Spanish migrants, the Soriano and Alarcon families, join for a meal at the Villawood Migrant Hostel 1963 The Mongolian Octopus: his grip on Australia 1886 The migrant ship Johan Van Oldenbarnevelt, Sydney Harbour 1958 Villawood detention centre March 2004 Enid Cook, community activist and local resident, on migrants and 1970s Surry Hills Miss Elizabeth Killinger talks about anti-German sentiment during World War I, recorded 1986 Mrs May Rae recalls her father's work for Challenge Woollen Mills, Liverpool, interviewed in 1986