The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.

The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.

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Title Type
Sydney Turf Club 1943 Entity
Sydney Twelve Entity
Sydney Underground Film Festival Entity
Sydney United Football Club Entity
Sydney United Omnibus Company Entity
Sydney University Commemoration Day procession 1938 Media
Sydney University Dramatic Society Entity
Sydney University Evangelical Union Entity
Sydney University Graduates of Malaysia Association Entity
Sydney University Ladies Lawn Tennis Club Entity
Sydney University Medical Society Entity
Sydney University Press Entity
Sydney University Settlement Neighbourhood Centre Entity
Sydney Ure Smith, publisher and artist c1910-1915 Media
Sydney Water Entity
Sydney Water Supply Prospect Hill c1890 Media
Sydney Whaling Company Entity
Sydney Wharf Labourers' Union Entity
Sydney wharfies demonstrate in support of Aboriginal rights at May Day procession c1960s Media
Sydney Wide Entity
Sydney Wildlife World Entity
Sydney Women's Liberation Entity
Sydney Yacht Club Entity
Sydney's Boundary Markers Entry
Sydney's Dope Queen 1925 Media
Sydney's existing railways (shown black) and the future railways (shown white) September 1926 Media
Sydney's first ice Entry
Sydney's lost theatres Entry
Sydney's Metropolitan Goods Lines Entry
Sydney's monorail Entry
Sydney's Rainbow Crossings Entry
Sydney's Red Cross organisations. Members of the St. John Ambulance Association at bandage drill at a parade before the State Commandant September 1915 Media
Sydney's Week: A guide for interstate and overseas tourists 17-24 April 1954 Media
Sydney's whaling fleet Entry
Sydney, Australia 2007 Media
Sydney, Government House 1802 Media
Sydney, Thomas Townshend, Viscount Entity
Sydney: the Story of a City Entity
Sydney’s Oldest Unsolved Murders Entry
Syer, Arthur K Contributor
Syer, Walter Contributor
Sylvania Entity
Sylvania Waters Entity
Sylvia Ashby, pioneer of her own market research company 1946 Media
Sylvia Gardens, Northmead Entity
Sylvia Rose Ashby c1940 Media
Synagogue, Sydney c1890 Media
Synagogue, York Street 1870 Media
Synagogue, York Street Sydney c1840-1850 Media
Syron, Brian Entity