Prisons Subject Cockatoo Island Darlinghurst Gaol Long Bay prison Parramatta Gaol Prisons to 1920 Phoenix Prisoners' Detention Act 1908 Reformatory and Industrial Schools Act 1901 Report from the Select Committee on the public prisons in Sydney and Cumberland 1861 Carters' Barracks Cell Block Theatre Hyde Park Barracks Katingal Newington House Royal Commission into New South Wales Prisons 1978 Brush Farm Corrective Services Academy Corrective Services NSW Prisoners' Aid Association of New South Wales Shaftesbury Institution Allen, Thomas Duke Backhouse, James Maclean, Harold Mann, Gother Kerr Neitenstein, Frederick William Ormsby, Charles Darlinghurst Gaol Fletcher's Gaol Long Bay Correctional Centre Silverwater Correctional Complex State Penitentiary for Men Long Bay Sydney Gaol Albert Dryer, Kiely and the Irish internees in corridor at Darlinghurst Gaol 1918-1919 Buildings on the west of Sydney Cove c1811 Cell Block Theatre, 1960s Conversion of E wing, East Sydney Technical College c1921 Convict Barrack Sydney N.S. Wales c1819 Darlinghurst Gaol 1891 Darlinghurst Gaol c1918 Darlinghurst Gaol from Burton Street 1870 Detail of 1814 plan of Parramatta showing the land set aside for the Gaol and the Factory by the Parramatta River East Sydney Technical College 1936 Frederick Neitenstein c1905 Frederick Neitenstein in Masonic apron c1885 Hyde Park Barracks, Macquarie Street, Sydney 2006 Hyde Park Barracks, Sydney c1840-1850 Kiely inside Darlinghurst Gaol c1918 Long Bay Correctional Centre 2008 National Art School Campus 1960s Parramatta prison 2009 Parramatta prison 2009 Plan of HM Gaol Darlinghurst March 1885 Plan of the New Gaol for Sydney to contain 400 prisoners in solitary cells, by G Barney, Captain, Royal Engineer, and Mortimer Lewis, Colonial Architect c1836 Prisoners in uniform at Darlinghurst Gaol c1885 Prisoners in uniform at Darlinghurst Gaol c1885 Prisoners in yard at Darlinghurst Gaol 1884-1886 Prisoners in yard at Darlinghurst Gaol 1884-1886 Prisoners in yard at Darlinghurst Gaol 1884-1886 Sydney Gaol c1810 The Bridge Street Burglars: Graphic Account of the Execution in 'The Bird O'Freedom', 2 June 1894 The old Parramatta Gaol and Gaol Bridge over the Parramatta River c1809