Architecture Subject St Bernard's Catholic church Botany Buhrich, Eva Built environment Butler Stairs Christian church architecture Cookney, George Cullis-Hill, Eleanor Dental Hospital of Sydney Edmunds, Rosette Fowles, Joseph Griffin, Marion Mahony Housing Sydney Nosworthy, Ellice Reserve Bank of Australia Building, 65 Martin Place, Sydney The Harbour End Utzon's Opera House Planned for Progress Safe home planning State Heritage Register 133 Macquarie Street (History House) 64-66 Pitt Street, Sydney Bank of Australasia building Colonial Mutual Life building Colonial State Bank Centre Coogee Aquarium and Swimming Baths Culwulla Chambers Enmore Theatre Marcus Clark Building Reserve Bank of Australia building, 65 Martin Place Retford Hall State Office Block The Calyx Thomas Walker Convalescent Hospital building Sulman Award AL McCredie and Anderson AL and G McCredie Architects Allen Jack and Cottier Australian Institute of Architects New South Wales Chapter Backhouse & Laidley Bates, Smart and McCutcheon Blacket & Son Blackman and Parkes Buckle, Carfrae and Turner Building Publishing Company Clark Bros Clarke, Gazzard and Yeomans Commonwealth Experimental Building Station Denton Corker and Marshall Fowell & McConnel Goold and Field Government Architect's Office HASSELL Hassall and Stockham Hely & Horne, Stuart & Perry Hennessy, Hennessy & Co Joseland & Gilling Kaberry & Chard Kent & Massie Mitchell, Giurgola and Thorp Morell and Kemp Morrow & Gordon National Trust of Australia (NSW) Noel Bell Ridley Smith & Partners Peddle, Thorpe and Walker Robertson & Marks Rosenthal, Rutledge & Beattie Ross & Rowe Rowe & Field Sheerin & Hennessy Spain & Cosh Spencer and Fairfax Stephenson & Turner Sulman and Power Thornley and Smedley Tonkin Zulhaika & Greer Travis Partners Waterhouse & Lake Aley, Augustus Ancher, Sydney Anderson, Arthur Andersons, Andrew Atwool, Josiah Backhouse, Clarence Baggs, Sydney A Baldwinson, Arthur Barlow, John Bede Barnet, James Bibb, John Blacket, Arthur Blacket, Edmund Blacket, Owen Bolot, Aaron Bowen, Edward John Boyd, Robin Brandt, William A Brodrick, Robert Hargreave Brogan, John Buckeridge, JH Buhrich, Eva Bunning, Walter Burattini, Dino Carfrae, Alexander Swinton Chadley, James Clamp, John Burcham Clarke, Francis Clarke, George 1932-2005 Cohen, John J Coleborne, WG Cookney, George Cottier, Keith Cox, Philip Crick, Guy Crone, Donald Cullis-Hill, Eleanor Cullis-Hill, Grandison Davidenkov, George Dawson, Alexander Dellit, Charles Bruce Dorrough, Terry Eberson, John Edmunds, Rosette Elphinstone, Alexander Esplin, Donald Thomas Farmer, Edward H Fillans, James Davidson Foggitt, William Forsyth-Evans, Douglas Fowell, Joseph Fowles, Joseph Fraser, Vivian Furse, Bruce Garton, Edward Gaskell, Anthony Gazzard, Don Gehl, Jan Ginn, Henry Giurgola, Romaldo Glancey, Clement Glancey, Clement junior Greenway, Francis Greenwell, Carlyle Griffin, Marion Mahony Griffin, Walter Burley Hall, Libby Hallen, Ambrose Hallen, Edward Hare, Elizabeth Harley, Oliver Harris, R Keith Hennessy, John Francis (Jack) Hilly, John Frederick Hook, Alfred Houison, James Howard, Harry Hume, James Hunt, John Horbury Hutchinson, Louise Jackson, Edward Jeaffreson James, John Johnson, George Johnson, Richard Anthony Jones, George Sydney Joseland, Howard Kelman, Winsome Kemp, John Edward Kemp, William Kethel, Joseph Kirkpatrick, John Kombumerri, Dillon Kristensen, Leif Lewis, Mortimer Lipson, Samuel Lucas, Clive Lynch, Joseph Patrick Stanislaus Macintosh, Judith Mack, Ted Madigan, Col Magoffin, RJ Mann, Richard Mansfield, George Allen Martin, Josephine Martin, William Mathew, Daniel Dering McCredie, Arthur McCredie, George McDonald, James McGrath, Raymond McRae, George Merriman, James Henry Moir, Malcolm Morell, Gustavus Alphonse Mould, John Munro, Barbara Munro, Finlay junior Munro, Malcolm Nangle, James Neave, Stacey Arthur Nervi, Pier Luigi Newman, Walter Nield, Lawrence Nielsen, Walter Leslie Nosworthy, Ellice Osborne, Clive Debenham Parkes, Cobden Parkes, Varney Pitt, William Reid, John Rembert, Edward Reuss, Ferdinand Snr Richmond, Ethel Rickard, Bruce Roberts, Caroline Roberts, John W Robertson, Henry Rowe, Thomas Sapsford, Thomas Seidler, Harry Smedley, John Smith, Colin H Smith, Frederick Trenchard Smith, Ridley Smith, Stan Snelling, Douglas Sodersten, Emil Spain, Alfred Spencer-Stansfield, John Stowe, Francis Ernest Sulman, John Thorp, Joshua Thorp, S George Tonkin, Peter Towers, Harry Tsang, Henry Ure, Richard Minchin Utzon, Jørn Verge, John Vernon, Walter Liberty Ward, Dudley Wardell, William Wilkinson Warden, Sidney Waterhouse, Bertrand Watts, John Weekes, Norman Weitzel, Ernest Richard Wells, Richard Macdonald Seymour Wheatland, Bill White, Henry Eli Wigram, James Sven Wilkinson, Leslie Wilsford, Gene Wilson, William Hardy Withers, William Henry Woodward, Robert (Bob) Raymond Woolley, Ken Advertisement for Insulite Ceilings, as used exclusively in the Enmore Theatre 1937 Architectural perspective of front entrance of the new head office of the Reserve Bank of Australia, featuring sculpture by Margel Hinder, 1964 Architectural perspective of the Bonds and Stock Banking Chamber in the new Reserve Bank of Australia head office building, 1964 Architectural perspective of the new Reserve Bank of Australia head office building, 1964 Architectural perspective of third floor lounge in the Reserve Bank of Australia’s new head office building, 1964 Birdseye view of Minerva Theatre 1939-1945 Bulletin article on Louise Lightfoot's departure for Europe 1937 Cappy Deans, Marion Mahony Griffin, Walter Burley Griffin, and George Walter Griffin in the Griffin's garden at Castlecrag c1930 Carthona and Lindesay, Darling Point, from Clark Island c1844 Carthona, Darling Point 1916-1947 Clever woman designs a house 1946 Commonwealth Club members including John Sulman 1927 Culwull Cahmbers: front facing King Street 1911 Detail of architectural drawing of Wynyard Park underground convenience 1911 Detail of view of buildings on lower eastern George Street, including the shop of tea dealer F.Gaunson and Sydney Morning Herald office 1848 Don't Waste Your Air Raid Shelter by EM Buhrich 1940 Edmund Thomas Blacket c1880s Elevation. Side of St Barnabas church, built by architects Francis-Jones Morehen Thorp, Broadway, Sydney 2016 Emblem of the National Trust (New South Wales) 1958 Exterior, Szarka Bros' Enmore Theatre 1930 Exterior, Szarka Bros' Enmore Theatre 1930 First Government House (site) February 2012 Government Public Housing Development, Surry Hills c1960s H Desbrowe Annear c1921 History House, 133 Macquarie Street c1989 Imperial Hotel, Oxford and Sarah Streets, Paddington, Plans for re-erection of hotel, basement, ground and first floor plan and section, Applicant/owner, Reschs Limited, Signed 17 March 1910 Imperial Hotel, Oxford and Sarah Streets, Paddington, Plans for re-erection of hotel, second floor plan, roof plan, elevations to Oxford and Sarah Streets, Signed 17 March 1910 Interior view of the Sydney Arcade 1890 James Barnet Colonial Architect 1879 James Barnet at Mortuary Station, Rookwood 1871 John Verge, attributed to James Wilson 1836-1852 Joseph Fowles, c1875 Kingsclere Flats, Potts Point 1912 Looking south east from the top of the Reserve Bank of Australia head office building during its construction, September 1962 Macquarie Street, from Palace Gardens Gate, looking south west, 17 August 1916 Martin Place, Elizabeth Street, Rural Bank c1936 Minerva Theatre opening night, Potts Point 18 May 1939 Miss Rosette Edmunds, town and country planner 1950 Mitchell Library and Public Library of New South Wales 1942 Mona, Darling Point 1844 Mona, Darling Point c1870 Moore Steps, leading up from Circular Quay to Macquarie Street 7 March 1973 Mortuary Station, Rookwood and James Barnet 1871 National Trust administration centre, SH Ervin Gallery & Observatory Cafe c1989 New offices for the Sydney Morning Herald 1924 New offices of the Sydney Morning Herald, N.S. Wales 1856 Newcastle Hotel, Sydney 1970 Newly installed door for the Reserve Bank of Australia's strongrooms c1964 Opening of Enmore Theatre 1911 Plan of underground public toilet at Macquarie Reserve c1907 Portrait of Marion Mahony Griffin, 1871-1961, taken ca. 1935 Portrait of the late Joseph Fowles Public Library Sydney. Plan shewing arrangement of books to which free access is allowed : Ground plan 1890 Rachel Forster Hospital 1944 Railway House, Wynyard Square 1936 Remnants of original St Barnabas church which burnt down in 2006, Broadway, Sydney 2016 Renovations to Marcus Clark & Co store at Railway Square 1928 Reserve Bank of Australia building at 65 Martin Place, early 1980s Retford Hall, Yarranabbe Road and Thornton Street, Darling Point 1865-1900 Sculptural wall enrichment designed by Bim Hilder for the foyer of the Reserve Bank of Australia head office, during its installation in 1965 Sea Breeze Hotel, Dover Point, Kogarah, Alterations, proposed ground floor plan, front elevation and section. Signed 30 September 1909 Sliding grille at the entrance to the Rural Bank's vault, Martin Place St Barney's forecourt 11 May 2012 Stephen Butts on a white horse, Macquarie Street, c1850 Sydney Morning Herald building construction c1924 Technical drawing of Retford Hall, Darling Point 1866 The CTA Club, Martin Place March 2012 The National Trust of Australia (NSW) 1947 The cover of the Yellow Book 'Sydney Opera House: architect Jorn Utzon' 1962 The native garden designed by Malcolm Munro for the landscaping of the Macquarie Street façade of the new Reserve Bank of Australia building, as completed in 1964 Theatre interior remodelled at Enmore, NSW 1937 View of Retford Hall, Darling Point 1866 Walter L Vernon, Government Architect c1890 Water Police Court and Phillip Street police station Workmen's Dwellings in Lower Fort Street No 1 16 February 1910 Yaralla House 2007