The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.

The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.

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Title Type
Botany Reservoir Entity
Botany School of Arts-Literary Institute Entity
Botany sewage farm Entity
Botany Sewerage Farm c1900 Media
Botany Swamps Scheme Entity
Botany Town Hall Entity
Botany Wetlands Entity
Bottom of the harbour scheme Entity
Boulders, Mt Tarana 1886 Media
Boulevard Hotel Entity
Bound roll of leather found at Hyde Park Barracks Media
Boundary post No 1 - Bourke Street and Plunkett Street 2007 Media
Boundary post No 13, held at Powerhouse Museum, Castle Hill 2011 Media
Boundary post No 20 Entity
Boundary post No 20 - Town Hall and George Street 2012 Media
Boundary post No 38 Entity
Boundary post No 38 - Cleveland Street and South Dowling Street 2012 Media
Boundary post with cast lettering 'Phillip Ward, Hosking, Mayor' outside the English, Scottish and Australian Bank, Enmore Road 1900-1905 Media
Boundary stone - International House, University of Sydney 2011 Media
Boundary stone - Moore Park South 2007 Media
Boundary stone - Parramatta Road and Glebe Point Road 2011 Media
Boundary stone from south-west corner of Oxford Street and South Dowling Street, now in Museum of Sydney 2011 Media
Bourke Street Baby Clinic Entity
Bourke Street Public School Entity
Bourke, Richard Entity
Bourn, Sotha Contributor
Boussole Entity
Bovis, Charles Entity
Bovis, William Entity
Bow Bowing Entity
Bow Bowing Creek Entity
Bowden's Clubhouse Hotel Entity
Bowden's Sugar Works Entity
Bowden, Frederick Leopold Entity
Bowden, Harald Entity
Bowden, Jane Entity
Bowden, Joseph Entity
Bowden, Thomas Entity
Bowden, Thomas Kendall Entity
Bowden, Thomas Wheaton Entity
Bowen Mountain Entity
Bowen, Edward George Entity
Bowen, Edward John Entity
Bowen, George Bartley Entity
Bowen, LJ Entity
Bowen-Daniels, Gill Entity
Bower, Arthur Entity
Bowers, Mary Entity
Bowers, William Entity
Bowie, Ian Contributor