The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.

The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.

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Title Type
JA Hogue unveiling Sirius anchor and cannon, Macquarie Place, January 1907 Media
Jack Lang in his office Media
Jack Lindsay, Cambridge 1985 Media
Jack Mundey 1976 Media
Jack Mundey, Builders Labourers Federation, 1973 Media
Jack, Ian Contributor
Jack, Sybil Contributor
Jackman, Hugh Entity
Jackson Place cottages Entity
Jackson, Charles Entity
Jackson, Edward Jeaffreson Entity
Jackson, Enderby Entity
Jackson, George Entity
Jackson, Greg Contributor
Jackson, James R Entity
Jackson, Joseph Entity
Jackson, Mason Contributor
Jackson, Richard Entity
Jackson, William Entity
Jackson-Stepowski, Sue Contributor
Jacob Nagle his Book AD One Thousand Eight Hundred and Twenty Nine May 19th. Canton. Stark County Ohio, 1775-1802, compiled 1829 Media
Jacob, Sister Mary Adele Contributor
Jacobs, Andrew Contributor
Jacobsen, Patricia Contributor
Jade Tree Gift Shop Entity
Jadran tambouritsa band Entity
Jagger, Eva Entity
Jagger, Mick Entity
Jalland, Pat Entity
James Ashton, Ashton's Amphitheatre, 1855 Media
James Barnet at Mortuary Station, Rookwood 1871 Media
James Barnet Colonial Architect 1879 Media
James Bonner and Sons Entity
James Brechney and friend Wladi drawing the original DIY Rainbow, Commonwealth Lane, Surry Hills 11 April 2013 Media
James Clarken, whose splendid work was largely instrumental in saving several lives at Coogee, Sydney Mail, 1 February 1911 Media
James Cook Medal Entity
James Edward Devine jail photograph 25 August 1939 Media
James Edward Devine jail photograph 6 March 1923 Media
James Hardie & Company Entity
James Hartwell Williams c1860 Media
James Howarth Studios Contributor
James Johnson, survivor of the wreck of the Dunbar 1857 Media
James Macarthur c1820 Media
James Morgan Reserve Entity
James Pemell's Stanmore House, with advertisement for subdivision, between 1900-1905 Media
James Puckeridge, Limeburner of Botany, and his wife Jane with family members at 93 Baxter Road, Mascot c1913 Media
James Robert Wilshire 1856 Media
James Ruse Agricultural High School Entity
James Sandy and Co Entity
James Wilshire, public servant and manufacturer, c1860s copy of c1800 portrait Media