The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.

The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.


View content in list, type
Title Type
Hornby lighthouse Lighthouse
Horses of the Desert Mounted Corps Memorial Memorial
Hough's Windmill Mill
Hudson Brothers' Temporary Scheme Aqueduct
Hurlstone Park war memorial Memorial
Hyde Park obelisk Ventilation tower
Ian Thorpe Aquatic Centre Swimming pool
Il Porcellino Fountain
Illawarra railway line Railway
Inner West Light Rail Tramway or light rail
Irish Famine Memorial, Hyde Park Barracks Memorial
Iron Cove bridge Bridge
Jenkins' wharf Wharf or dock
John Booth's Steam Saw Mills Mill
Johnstons Creek Sewage Aqueduct, Annandale Aqueduct
Jubilee Fountain Randwick Fountain
K13 Submarine memorial Memorial
Kable's mill Mill
Katoomba coal tramway Tramway or light rail
King's Dockyard Wharf or dock
King's wharf Parramatta Wharf or dock
Kirkham mill Mill
Knapsack Viaduct Viaduct
Kokoda Track Memorial Walkway Memorial
Korean War Memorial Memorial
Lachlan Mill Mill
Lady FitzRoy Memorial Memorial
Lake Parramatta Dam Dam
Lane Cove Tunnel Tunnel
Lansdowne Bridge Bridge
Laperouse Monument Memorial
Last Farewell Memorial
Lennox Bridge (Blue Mountains) Bridge
Lennox Bridge Parramatta Bridge
Lewis Wolfe Levy Fountain Fountain
Lewisham viaduct Viaduct
Lieutenant G J Grieve Memorial Memorial
Light Horse Memorial Wall 1914 - 1918 Memorial
Little Manly Baths Swimming pool
Liverpool Weir Dam
Long Gully Bridge Bridge
Lord's Mill Mill
Lower Prospect Canal Canal
Macarthur bridge Bridge
Maccallum Pool Swimming pool
Macquarie lighthouse Lighthouse
Macquarie Place Drinking Fountain Fountain
Macquarie Place obelisk Survey marker
Macquarie Wall Public building
Macquarie Watchtower Tower