Museums Subject Anderson, Charles Australian Museum Brislington Cadman's cottage Hyde Park Barracks Hyde Park Barracks archaeology Life After Wartime Maiden, Joseph Museum of Sydney Woodford Academy Australian Museum Magazine Australian Natural History Australian Museum Australian National Maritime Museum Balmain Watch House Bare Island Fort Brislington Cadman's Cottage Carss Cottage Don Bank Museum Elizabeth Bay House Elizabeth Farm House Experiment Farm Cottage Hyde Park Barracks Justice and Police Museum building La Perouse Museum Lyndham Hall Museum of Contemporary Art Museum of Sydney Royal NSW Lancers' Memorial Museum Springwood Susannah Place Technological Museum building Ultimo Ultimo power station Vaucluse House Australian Museum Australian National Maritime Museum Australian War Museum Brislington Medical and Nursing Museum Camden Museum Gallery of Natural History and Native Art Justice and Police Museum Lucy Osburn-Nightingale Foundation Macleay Museum Museum of Sydney New South Wales Schoolhouse Museum of Public Education Powerhouse Museum Pyala Museum Reserve Bank of Australia Museum Royal Australian Navy Heritage Centre Snapper Island Company Sydney Jewish Museum Sydney Living Museums Sydney Tramway Museum Trainworks Anderson, Charles Angas, George French Collins, Lynn Emmett, Peter Etheridge, Robert Hill, Edward Smith Krefft, Johann Ludwig Gerard Macleay, William John Ramsay, Edward Pierson Scott, Alexander Walker Stanbury, Peter Wrobel, Elinor Sydney Aquarium Sydney Wildlife World Advertisement for Tost & Rohu 1906 Australian Museum, Sydney 1872 Brislington House - Medical and Nursing Museum, Parramatta 22 October 2012 Brislington Medical and Nursing Museum, Parramatta March 2014 Cadman's Cottage 2008 Children looking at bones, Australian Museum, March 1950 Display at Brislington Medical and Nursing Museum, Parramatta - 'Cookery Book mainly for Nurses and Bachelor Girls' 2014 Elizabeth Farm House 4 June 2005 Experiment Farm 4 June 2005 Experiment Farm Cottage, Parramatta 2009 First Government House (site) February 2012 Flyer for Bray's Museum of Island Curios c1891 Flyer for Bray's Museum, inverse c1891 Group of principal instructors and lecturers, Sydney Technical College and Technological Museum 1898 History and description of the skeleton of a new sperm whale, lately set up in the Autralian Museum 1855 Hyde Park Barracks, Macquarie Street, Sydney 2006 Johann Ludwig Gerard (Louis) Krefft, zoologist, 1869-1870 Joseph Maiden c1885 Mr Joseph H Maiden, Second Superintendent 1889-1892 Passengers getting on O Class trams 805 and 1111 at Tramway Museum, Loftus 1 December 2013 Sir William Macleay, Nepean River, 29 September 1888 Sydney Technical College, Ultimo c1890s Teaching model on display at the Brislington Medical and Nursing Museum, Parramatta 2014 The Sydney Technical College and Technological Museum April 1898 The Useful Native Plants of Australia 1889 The old cable station, La Perouse c1953 Timber Courts exhibit at the Sydney Technological Museum c1910 Upper Gallery New Wing Australian Museum, Sydney N.S.Wales 1866 Water Police Court, Phillip Street, Sydney, 1870 Rose Docker, Archivist, on the history of the Australian Museum 2009