Manufacturing Subject Bricks Canterbury Sugarworks Colonial Sugar Refining Co Ltd Dixson, William Karitane Products Society factory Surry Hills Richard Dawson's Australian Foundry Royal Commission into Noxious and Offensive Trades 1882 Transcript: Miss Elizabeth Killinger talks about her father's tannery on the Georges River Transcript: Mr Eddie Saunders remembers a blacksmith's workshop in Liverpool Transcript: Mrs Enid Borowsky talks about working conditions in Liverpool's Challenge Woollen Mills Transcript: Mrs May Rae recalls her father's work for Challenge Woollen Mills, Liverpool Victa Mowers Pty Ltd White Bay Wilshire, James Robert Agnes Napier Factories and Shops Act 1896 Furniture Trends Arnott's Biscuit Factory Boot factory Bondi Junction Challenge Woollen Mills Karitane Products Society factory Alderson and Son American Flange and Manufacturing Company Amoco Arnott's Biscuits Limited Ashwin & Falconer Associated General Electric Industries Limited Atlas Engineering Company Auburn Brick, Tile & Pottery Company Austral Brick Company Australasian Mineral Oil Company Australasian Sugar Company Australian Aircraft & Engineering Co Ltd Australian Cement Australian Chamber of Manufactures Australian Forge and Engineering Pty Ltd Australian Foundry Australian Leather Research Association Australian Wood Pipe Company Australian Woollen Mills BP Bakewell Brothers Beale Piano Company Beckers Pty Ltd Bedford Brick Works Bennett & Wood Bennett Surfboards Boot, Shoe and Slipper Manufacturers' Association of New South Wales Bowden's Sugar Works Brisbane Distillery British-Australasian Tobacco Company Limited Brookvale Union Brewery Bunce's Tannery Butcher Brothers Caldwell Vale Motor and Tractor Construction Company Caltex Australia Carlton and United Brewing Company Centennial Shoe Company Central Brick and Tile Company Challenge Woollen Mills Cohen Brothers & Co Colonial Sugar Refining Co Ltd Commonwealth Brooms Commonwealth Engineering Commonwealth Oil Refineries Conqueror Cables Cowan & Israel Davies Shephard Davis Gelatine Company Denniss's Tannery Elliott Brothers Enfield Brick Company Fairfax and Roberts Federal Match Company Ford Motor Company Fowler's Potteries General Motors General Motors Holden Goodlet & Smith Goodyear Tyre & Rubber Company J Bayley and Sons JC Ludowici & Son James Bonner and Sons James Hardie & Company Jantzen (Australia) Ltd John Fell and Co Johnson & Johnson LJ Anschau & Sons Tannery Lanceley's Brickworks Lever Brothers Lyon Cottier & Company Lysaght Magney & Weynton Mangrovite Belting Ltd Manly Brick and Tile Co Mashman Brothers Pottery Mastertouch Piano Roll Company Meggitt's Linseed Oil Factory Metropolitan Vickers Australia National Brickworks North Sydney Brick & Tile Company Noxious Traders Association O'Brien Glass Oaks Steam Brick Company Omega Trading Company Orica Limited PGH Bricks & Pavers Patent Asphaltum Company Peacock Jam Company Peters Ice Cream Philips Industries Phoenix Pottery Company Pioneer Concrete Services Ltd Prouds Limited Resch's Ltd Rheem Australia Pty Ltd Shell Australia Singer Sewing Company Staedtler (Pacific) Pty Ltd Starkey's Limited State Brickworks Strathfield and Enfield Steam Brick Works Swinbourne & Stephen Sydney Foundry and Engineering Works Sydney Pottery Company Sydney Steel Target Woollen Mill Tebbutt's tannery Tennyson Textiles Mills Pty Ltd The Blazing Star Tooheys Pty Ltd Tooth and Co Ltd Unilever Union Box and Timber Company United Shoe Machinery Company Vicars Woollen Mill Victa Mowers Pty Ltd W Walker, Sons and Bartholomew Ltd WD & HO Wills Australia Ltd Waterloo Tanning School West Coast Kalsomine Co Western Kerosene Oil Company Western Suburbs Brick and Tile Company Westinghouse Electric Corporation Westinghouse Rosebery Pty Ltd Wiley and Sons Wormald Brothers Wunderlich Limited Acott, George Ah Toy Barker, James Barrett, Harrie (Todds) Beard, William Henry Bebarfald, Barnet Bentley, Cecil Blamire, Anthony Blanch, James Bocking, James Bonner, James Boston, John Bowden, Thomas Wheaton Bowen, LJ Burdekin, Thomas Butters, Malcolm Castle, Henry Child, William Knox Cluer, William Cooper, Robert Davis, George Dawson, Richard (Dicky) Denniss, Jeffrey Dickson, John Dixson, Hugh 1810-1880 Dixson, Hugh 1841-1926 Dixson, William Elliott, Joseph Farleigh, John Gibson Fell, John Fowler, Robert Garthwaite, John Geddes, J Gentle, Josiah Goodlet, John Hay Goodsell, Alfred Goodsell, Frederick John Goodsell, Henry Wesley Goodsell, John Goodsell, John Wesley Grubmeier, Heinz Grubmeier, Rebecca Hale, William Hallstrom, Edward John Lees Harrison, James Hattersley, George Hayes, Patrick Herford, John W Hunt, Robert Fellowes Irving, Clark Jones, John Jordan, John Kemble, Francis Kirk, Rupert Knox, Edward Krupp, Bertha Lanceley, Edward Robert Leak, Jonathan Leggo, Charles William Lever, William Linney, Charles Lord, Simeon Louden, A Ludowici, Charles Ludowici, John Charles Luland, F Lupton, F Macintosh, John Marshall, George Meggitt, Harold Mort, Thomas Sutcliffe Muller, Fritz Newnham, Charles Norris, Isaac Pearson, TE Pemell, James Peters, Frederick Augustus Bolles Radke, Albert Reid, Andrew Ritchie, Robert Adam Robey, Ralph Mayer Sands, John Sims, James Smart, Thomas Ware Sprod, Charles Starkey, William Stephens, William Tebbutt, EJ Todman, George Frederick Toohey, John Thomas Tooth, Edwin Tooth, John Tooth, Robert Vickery, Ebenezer Wade, William Glenn Walder, Sam Walker, John Walkley, William Walters, FJ Wilkes, Thomas Wilshire, Austin Forrest Wilshire, James Wilshire, James Robert Wunderlich, Ernest Julius Wynne, Richard de Russett, Alfred Montagu den Hartog, Anton van den Broek, Issac ACI Glassworks Aerated Water Factory Darlinghurst Albion Brewery Alcan factory Granville Bennett's boot factory British Motor Works Brookvale brickworks Bullock's Brick and Pipe Works Burwood Brickworks Clyde Oil Refinery Commonwealth Aircraft Corporation factory Convict lumber yard, Parramatta Duck River Brickworks Eastwood brickworks Edworthy Cycle & Motor Works Excelsior Brickworks Gore Hill Brickworks Government lumber yard Halvorsen boatshed Judd's Brickworks Lever Brothers Factory, Balmain Lustre Hosiery factory Robertson's coach factory Rosemorrin copper smelter Scotland Island salt works Shell Refining Terminal Small's Chocolate factory Starkey's ginger beer factory State Clothing Factory Sunbeam factory Sydney Smelting Company Top Dog Men's Wear Production Centre Villawood munitions factory Wright's glue works Wrigley's Chewing Gum factory Aerial view of the Australian Window Glass factory at Alexandria c1940 Albion House and Albion Brewery, Surry Hills c1840 Australian Sugar Company's Works, Canterbury c1842 Blackfriars sugar refinery, undated Brick chimneys St Peters 2008 Brick factory, St Peters c1940s Canterbury Refinery Sydney 1894 Colonial Sugar Works, Chippendale 1868 Colonial industries - Dixson's Twist Tobacco Manufactory 1864 Cover of 'Buzacott country gates and fences : catalogue no. 164' 1938 Dixson's Twist Tobacco Manufactory 1864 Employees of Speare's Brickworks, St Peters Foster 'Dry Brick Press' advertisment George Foster and Sons, St Peters c1914 Goodlet and Smith pottery, Surry Hills 1871 Goodsell's Brickyards, Newtown April 1883 Government Stores Department Clothing Factory Branch, Leichhardt September 1971 Greek girls working at the factory of Australian Optical Industries making sunglasses for local and overseas markets 1964 Hydraulic press at Dixson's Twist Tobacco Manufactory 1864 Ice making room in Mort & Co's Meat-Preserving Works, Darling Harbour 1876 James Robert Wilshire 1856 James Wilshire, public servant and manufacturer, c1860s copy of c1800 portrait John McCormack and unidentified woman assembling aircraft cowling in Wunderlich factory, Redfern 1943 Mr E Fowler's Pottery, Camperdown 1865 Mr WH Paling's new establishment in George Street 1883 Neilson Slipper Factory, Broadway 1945 Nestle's factory seen from company wharf, Parramatta River 1918 Nicolle and Mort's Patent Revolving Freezer 1899 Phillip Guerin's factory, Surry Hills 1878 Processing 23inch television picture tubes, Phillips Electric Industries 1960 Sir William Walkley Squire's Brewery, Kissing Point Sugar Works at Canterbury c1845 Sweating room at Dixson's Twist Tobacco Manufactory 1864 The Camperdown Potteries and Alderman Fowler, new Mayor of Sydney 1880 The Karitane Products factory at 72 Buckingham Street 1930 The Standsure Brickworks, Marrickville 1922 The Sugar Mill, Cooks River 2005 The old Sugar Mill, Canterbury c1885 The pottery works of Messrs Fowler and Son at Camperdown 1880 Two women operate a detoluator machine at the Commonwealth Explosives Factory, Villawood c1944 Unknown brickyard Workers outside Thomas Daley's brickworks Marrickville c1916 Miss Elizabeth Killinger talks about her father's tannery on the Georges River, interviewed 1986 Mr Eddie Saunders remembers a blacksmith's workshop in Liverpool, interviewed in 1986 Mrs Enid Borowsky talks in 1986 about working conditions in Liverpool's Challenge Woollen Mills c1930s Mrs May Rae recalls her father's work for Challenge Woollen Mills, Liverpool, interviewed in 1986