Archaeology Subject Archaeological evidence of Aboriginal life in Sydney First people of the Cooks River Hyde Park Barracks archaeology Excavation of Sheas Creek 1896 Irish, Paul McCarthy, Frederick Lapstone Creek rock shelter The Rocks Dig site Aboriginal archaeological sites recorded in the Sydney region up to 2001 Aboriginal painting on rock / cliffs, off the road, about 500 yards before the Bridge is reached over Manly Lagoon, towards Deewhy 28 September 1895 Balmoral Beach shell midden Bora Rock: aboriginal markings near Manly Water-works Gully 13 September 1891 Charcoal European ship in rock-shelter in Lane Cove River Valley Clay pipes hidden beneath the floor of the Destitute Asylum, 2010 Cross section and longitudinal section of Shea's Creek Canal shewing position of submerged forest, remains of dugong, stone tomahawks etc 1896 Detail shewing position of stone tomahawks in longitudinal section of Shea's Creek Canal 1896 Engraved kangaroos or wallabies at Shaws Creek, Nepean River Engraved whale at Balls Head, Port Jackson Excavation of dugong remains at Sheas Creek 1896 Grinding grooves beside a rock pool on sandstone rock-platform, Gosford area Ground-edged hatchet with wooden wrap-around handle Ground-edged implements Lower jaw of Dugong, discovered at Shea's Creek, Sydney, showing Cuts made by Aborigines with Stone Tomahawks 1896 Makeshift tatting shuttle found during archaeological dig at Hyde Park Barracks Number of Aboriginal archaeological sites established in each millennium (cal BP) (based on earliest dates in stratified sites) Number of radiometric ages in each millennium (cal BP) in Sydney region Aboriginal archaeological sites (N=164 ages from 164 sites) Painted shield attributed to coastal Sydney region, 92cm long Ribs of Dugong, discovered at Shea's Creek, showing Cuts made by Aborigines with Stone Tomahawks 1896 Shea's Creek Canal, sketch plan shewing position of submerged forest, remains of dugong, stone tomahawks &c 1896 Shell fish-hooks made from 'Turbo turquata' Shell scraper which originally may have been hafted onto the end of spear-thrower Skeleton of the Dugong found at Shea's Creek 1896 Skull of Dugong, discovered at Shea's Creek, Sydney 1896 Soft leather boot found during archaeological dig at Hyde Park Barracks Stone artefacts exposed on the ground surface of an archaeological site in the western Cumberland Plain Surface of shell midden at Berowra Waters Two backed artefacts from the north Hawkesbury district White pigment hand stencil in rock-shelter in Middle Harbour