Chinese Garden of Friendship Park or open space Tranquil Chinese garden that was a gift to Sydney from the city of Guangzhou, the region in southern China where most of Sydney's early Chinese came from. image Locate -33.876673957672, 151.20210611622 Milestone Opened 1988 {"name":"Opened","target":"","target_text":null,"date":{"#markup":"<span class='date'>1988<\/span>"},"date_start":"1988","date_end":"1988"} Type Park or open space {"name":"Park or open space","target":"","target_text":null,"date":{"#markup":"<span class='date'><\/span>"},"date_start":null,"date_end":null} Chinese Garden of Friendship by Terri McCormack , 2008 Built on the site of the NSW Fresh Food and Ice Company, the Chinese Garden was a Bicentennial project, opened in 1988. more » image image