The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.
The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.
Detail of the eastern side of the town from 'Plan de la ville de Sydney' 1802
Key: - 1: Ruisseau [Tank Stream]; 22: Pont [Bridge]; 25: Calle du Gouvernement [Government Street]; 26: Magasin general de Meubles, d'Instrumens &c [Government store (furniture, instruments); 27: Magasin d'Habillements, de Cordages &c [Government store (clothing)] ; 28: Atelier Public [Public school]; 29: Maison et Jardin du Gouvernement [Government House and gardens]; 30: Moulin et Boulangerie du Gouvernment [Government windmill and bakery]; 31: Imprimerie du Gouvernment et de la Gasette de Sydney [Government printing and Sydney Gazette office]

From the collections of the
(Paris : Arthus Bertrand, 1824, Dixson Map Collection)