Transport Subject Great Strike of 1917 Transport New South Wales Government Metropolitan Strategy Report 2006 Brambles Limited Caldwell Vale Motor and Tractor Construction Company Commonwealth Engineering Mitchell & Mitchell Sydney Tramway Museum TNT Ltd Union Steamship Company of New Zealand Woods & McDonald Woods, Shortland & Co Abeles, Peter Railway Square Birds eye view of general wharfage scheme west of Dawes Point as it will appear when completed, published 1913 Central Railway Station at Railway Square 1923 Culwull Cahmbers: front facing King Street 1911 George Street looking north, showing Jewish Synagogue, Police Offices, the Markets, old Burial Ground, now the site of the Town Hall, 1842 Horse drawn vehicle in front of Stables, Yaralla estate, Concord West c1910 North Sydney 1957 Nurse sitting on back of horse drawn Sydney Ambulance at the Coast Hospital c1900 People boarding Forest Lodge Tram c1890 Strikers' wives marching from The Domain to Parliament House August 1917 Striking men outside the Railway Institute at Central Station during the 1917 Great Strike The growing nuisance on George Street, letter to the Editor of the Australian 1828 Mrs Evelyn Chapple remembers hazards encountered while walking to school in the early 20th century, interviewed in 1986