The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.
The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.
Petition from Maria Lock re: land grant 1831, page 2
Transcript: - That Governor Macquarie gave her Brother Coley a small Grant of Land at Black Town; and as her Brother is now dead, your Petitioner humbly prays that this Grant may be transferred to her, and her Children, or that a small portion of the land adjoining be given to her, whereby she and her Husband may be enabled to feed their Cattle, now Seven in number, earn an honest livelihood, and provide a comfortable home for themselves, and their increasing family.
And your Petitioner shall, as in duty bound, ever pray &c &c &c
Maria Lock
Liverpool March 3rd 1831
I beg leave to state, for the information of His Excellency The Governor, that I have known Petitioner from a Child - and more particularly since she was married - having in consequence of her exemplary conduct, allowed her and her husband for several years past, to reside upon my farm - I believe her own written statement to be strictly correct; and I feel great pleasure in recommending Petitioner to His Excellency's most favourable consideration,
Robt Cartwright Senr Chaplain
The Petitioner was in the Native Institution when I as the Secretary & was Married from it. And as she has proved that the instruction she received was not lost from her, I beg to recommend her to the kind consideration of His Excellency The Governor.
Richard Hill Esq