The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.

The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.

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Title Type
Chulaparambil, Alexander Entity
Chullora Entity
Chullora Railway Workshops Entity
Chung Shan Society Entity
Church Act 1836 Entity
Church Hill Entity
Church in the Market Place Entity
Church Missionary Society Entity
Church of Christ Seven Hills Entity
Church of England Education Defence Association Entity
Church of England school Cobbitty Entity
Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints temple Carlingford Entity
Church of Mount St Bernard, Botany Entity
Church of Our Lady of the Sacred Heart, Randwick c1910 Media
Church of St Francis and St Alban Entity
Church of St Stylianos Entity
Church of the Holy Name of Mary Hunters Hill Entity
Church Point Entity
Church Point Entity
Church Street Parramatta c1890 Media
Church Street, Parramatta 1898 Media
Church, Walter Entity
Cicada Entity
Cigarette card featuring coat of arms of Workers' Education Association of Australasia, Sydney 1929 Media
Cildiroglu, Pinar Contributor
Cinderella and the Little Glass Slipper Entity
Cinquevalli, Paul Entity
Circolo Isole Eolie Entity
Circular Quay Entity
Circular Quay Entity
Circular Quay 1839 Media
Circular Quay 1892 Media
Circular Quay 1965 Media
Circular Quay 2004 Media
Circular Quay East towards Bennelong Point 1961 Media
Circular Quay ferry terminal, looking north to Observatory Hill 1930s Media
Circular Quay on Anniversary Day 1866 Media
Circular Quay railway station Entity
Circular Quay, eastern end c1907-10 Media
Circular Quay, looking west 1859 Media
Circular Quay, looking west 1859 Media
Circus Entry
Circus Oz Entity
Cirque du Soleil Entity
Citadel at Sydney c1825 Media
Cities for the 21st Century Entity
Citizen Margarot Delegate from the London Corresponding Society to the British Convention 1794 Media
Citizen Skirving Secretary to the British Convention - A Tried Patriot and an Honest Man 1794 Media
Citizenship Advice Bureau at Bankstown Square, 7 November 1966 Media
City and Suburban Electric Railways (Amendment) Act 1947 Entity