The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.

The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.

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Title Type
Chinese Presbyterian Church Entity
Chinese Restriction and Regulation Act 1888 Entity
Chinese Seamen's Union Entity
Chinese Seamen's union meeting 1944 Media
Chinese Times Entity
Chinese Womens Association of Australia Entity
Chinese Youth League Entity
Chippendale Entry
Chippendale Entity
Chippendale 2005 Media
Chippendale brewery demolition site 2009 Media
Chippendale, Victoria Park April 2005 Media
Chippendale, William Entity
Chippendale: plan of allotments in the town of Sydney 1842 Media
Chipping Norton Entity
Chipping Norton Lakes Entity
Chipping Norton Lakes 2015 Media
Chirgwin, GH Entity
Chisholm, Alec Hugh Contributor
Chisholm, Caroline Entity
Chisholm, James Entity
Chiswick Entity
Choragic monument of Lysicrates at Clarens, Potts Point, 1892-93 Media
Chorley, William Entity
Chorus girls in opening night of 'Hollywood Hotel' revue, Theatre Royal 23 September 1938 Media
Chorus girls, State Theatre Sydney 1930s Media
Chowder Bay Entity
Choy, Howard Entity
Christ Church Anglican church Gladesville Entity
Christ Church St Laurence Entity
Christian Baha'i national assembly, Centennial Park, 11 September 1948 Media
Christian church architecture Entry
Christian Concert Company Entity
Christian Endeavour Union Entity
Christian, Emily Entity
Christian, Mary Ellen Entry
Christian, Mary Ellen Entity
Christiansen, Agnes Christina Entity
Christmas Bells, Milkmaids, Everlasting Daisy and Lemon-scented Tea-Tree specimens from the plant collection of Helena Scott, collected in Sydney, Newcastle and Ash Island 1862-63 Media
Christmas in Martin Place Entry
Christmas party given by Rachel Forster Hospital for the local children 1925 Media
Christmas tree in Hyde Park 7 December 1962 Media
Christmas tree in Martin Place 4 January 1971 Media
Christmas tree in Martin Place December 2005 Media
Christo Entity
Christopher Brennan c1910 Media
Chrysanthopoulos, Leonidas Entity
Chua, Andrew Contributor
Chuan, Peter Contributor
Chuey, James Entity