The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.

The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.

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Title Type
The Rocks Entry
The Rocks Entity
The Rocks 2007 Media
The Rocks and Circular Quay 15 September 2003 Media
The Rocks and Sydney 2003 Media
The Rocks Dig site Entity
The Rocks Residents Action Group Entity
The Rocks Windmill festival 2013 Entity
The Roll Call - or The Sudan Contingent's Return 1885 Media
The Romaine of the Trocadero 1941 Media
The Rose and Crown Hotel on the corner of Pitt and King Streets, and the businesses of Thomas Fisher (boot maker), McPherson (Professor of Pianoforte, harp & guitar) and Thurlow & Grant (solicitors) 1848 Media
The Roti Man at Mamak Restaurant, Goulburn Street 2009 Media
The rotunda, or bandstand, in Prince Alfred Park, Parramatta 2015 Media
The Royal Botanic Gardens and Domain Trust Contributor
The Royal National Park Line Entry
The Royal Society of New South Wales Bulletin and Proceedings Entity
The Royal Victoria Theatre on Pitt Street 1848 Media
The Russian in Australia Entity
The Sailor Rescued 1857 Media
The Salvation Army 1885 Media
The Satyr Entity
The Satyr, Royal Botanic Gardens 2014 Media
The Scarborough passing through the Chatham Islands 1788 Media
The School of Arts movement Entry
The school room on the NSS Sobraon c1895 Media
The schooner yacht Chance in Gourock Harbour, Scotland 1863 Media
The sculpture Lotus Line by Fiona Foley in Redfern Park 6 October 2014 Media
The Seasons, stained glass window at Gladswood House, Double Bay c1875 Media
The Sentimental Bloke Entity
The shop and dwelling of Mr Holmes at the corner of lower George and Alfred Streets, formerly the offices of the Sydney Gazette,1848 Media
The Silver King Entity
The Sirius and Supply in Jackson's Bay c1789 Media
The Sirus & Supply in Jackson's Bay c1789 Media
The site of Hordern's sports ground on Cooks River at Wardell Road, Dulwich Hill before construction, c1921 Media
The site of Hordern's sports ground on Cooks River at Wardell Road, Dulwich Hill before construction, c1921 Media
The site of the Crescent, Parramatta Park March 2014 Media
The Slopes Entity
The Smith brothers and friends on their fishing boat, the Pastime, preparing for a leisurely sail on the Bay c1935 Media
The Soldiers Riot of 1916 Entry
The Soldiers' Riots, The Mercury, 19 February 1916 Media
The soprano Florence Austral as Brunnhilde in London c1925 Media
The Southern Euphrosyne Entity
The Southern Hemisphere, showing the track of the Sirius 1788 Media
The Spectre 1930 Media
The Spit Entity
The Spit and Beauty Point, Mosman 2007 Media
The Spit Bridge 25 November 1932 Media
The Spit Bridge under construction 4 September 1924 Media
The Spit Bridge, April 2006 Media
The Spit c1915 Media