The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.

The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.

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Title Type
Doorway to Knowledge Entity
Doran, Sarah Entity
Dorchester House Entity
Doreen Warburton opening the Q Theatre in Penrith 1977 Media
Doric fountain in Macquarie Place 6 December 1842 Media
Doric fountain Macquarie Place Entity
Doris Fitton's production of Sumner Locke Elliott's fine Australian Army play Rusty Bugles, 1948 Media
Dorman Long & Co Entity
Dorman, Steve Contributor
Dorothea Mackellar, writer 1927 Media
Dorothy Foster Entity
Dorrough, Terry Entity
Dos Pueblos nursery Entity
Double Bay Entity
Double Bay shopping centre Entity
Double Bay War Memorial Entity
Double decker and single decker buses on layover at Circular Quay East 14 December 1968 Media
Dougherty, Arthur Entity
Douglas Farm Entity
Douglas Grant, draughtsman and soldier, with his ornamental pond and Harbour Bridge, Callan Park, between 1932-1940 Media
Douglas Grant, nurses and ex-servicemen around the World War I war memorial in the shape of the Harbour Bridge at Callan Park c1931 Media
Douglas Stewart 1983 Media
Douglas, HG Entity
Douglass Lane Entity
Douglass, Henry Grattan Entity
Dove Inn Entity
Dove, H Percy Contributor
Dover Heights Entity
Dowd, Ronald Entity
Dower House Entity
Dowling, Arthur Entity
Dowling, Edward Entity
Dowling, James Entity
Dowling, James Sheen Entity
Dowling, WP Contributor
Downie, John Entity
Downing Centre Entity
Doyle's restaurant Entity
Doyle, Arthur Conan Entity
Doyle, John Contributor
Dr Bland's house in Pitt Street, with subsequent owner, Mr Butts, on horseback c1850-1867 Media
Dr Cox's residence at the corner of Macquarie and Hunter Streets c1873 Media
Dr HC Coombs’ office, designed by Fred Ward, at the Reserve Bank of Australia 1968 Media
Dr Henry Grattan Douglass, MD, MLC, 1790-1865, Assistant Surgeon, 18th Regt of Foot c1810 Media
Dr IF Coghlan 29 June 1925 Media
Dr Iza Coghlan Entry
Dr Iza Coghlan 1906 Media
Dr Iza Coghlan April 1893 Media
Dr James Cox, Nepean River, 29 September 1888 Media
Dr JJC Bradfield on 'king pin' under the arch at the Sydney Harbour Bridge February 1931 Media