The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.

The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.

The Yanks are coming

Life with the American Squadron, by Harry V Ingham, courtesy of the National Library of Australia nla.mus-an6964576
The first Americans arrived in Sydney with the First Fleet. They've been here ever since, as Margaret Park outlines in her new article on Americans, added recently to the Dictionary. The history of Sydney's Americans is a long and illustrious one, if not entirely smooth sailing. Americans have toured and visited as writers, boxers, members of circuses, theatre troupes and musical extravaganzas, and many have stayed. Sydney has also hosted many American sailors and soldiers over the years, with complex results. Journalists, architects, manufacturers and businesspeople have also come from the States to Sydney, and stayed for a while or for good. From Billy Blue to Kristina Keneally, Americans have helped to shape Sydney, with their skills, tastes, fashions and hard work. Long may it continue.      