Sydney, courtesy of NASA, from
Have you ever wondered about the landscape, cities and places you fly over as you travel by air around Australia and the world? Wouldn't it be great to be able to see images and read about the places far below you as you go?
Hidden Journeys, a wonderful new website from the Royal Geographical Society (with the Institute of British Geographers) in London, aims to 'explore the world from the air', with interactive flight path guides to a growing number of major routes around the world. Naturally, some of these arrive in Sydney, and we hope soon they will link readers to the Dictionary of Sydney to find out more about Sydney's history.
Hidden Journeys
The Sydney section has a wealth of images of Sydney from the air, and you can explore at 13,000 metres, 5,000 metres and at street level. Looking further afield, you can explore the places underlying the routes from Sydney to Singapore, and Sydney to Hawaii, and see really wonderful pictures of the landscapes that lie below.
The Society is currently investigating how best to develop the project further for the enjoyment of air travellers across the world, including looking at how they could apply this geo-entertainment content to an in-flight entertainment system. It seems like a brilliant idea.
Royal Botanic Gardens, Sydney 2005 courtesy Airview 0504-1914-37
Readers of the Dictionary will be aware that we also have a wealth of aerial imagery, much of it very kindly provided by the people at Airview Online who were among the first content partners of the Dictionary of Sydney.