The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.

The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.

Counting councillors

John Sutton, Mayor of Sydney c1866 City of Sydney Archives ref: 0588709 (SRC18779)
We've got more City of Sydney material in the form of another bunch of aldermen, scrappy, argumentative geezers that they are. Terri McCormack has unveiled the lives of Stephen S Goold, James Merriman, Charles Moore, James Oatley, William Speer, Thomas Spence, John Sutton and John Woods. All were mayors between 1862 and 1878, and they must all have known each other well. As with our other aldermen and mayors, it's interesting to see how many of them came from very humble backgrounds, and hands-on businesses, working their way up to an eminent position in their city. We are looking forward to the launch of the City of Sydney's Aldermen website, where a complete database of City aldermen will be available for searching and research. Keep an eye on the blog to find out when.  