The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.

The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.

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Title Type
Mount Riverview Entity
Mount Sinai College Entity
Mount Solitary Entity
Mount Tomah Entity
Mount Vernon Entity
Mount Victoria Entity
Mount Victoria Public Hall and Cinema Entity
Mount Victoria railway station Entity
Mount Wilson Entity
Mount Wilson Entry
Mountain Devil Entity
Mountain Trails Club Entity
Mountain, Adrien Entity
Mountbatten, Louis Entity
Mourning woman laying wreath on the Cenotaph on Anzac Day c1930 Media
Moustafine, Mara Contributor
Movat 1820 [Boatswain Maroot] Media
Moving in, Kings Cross 1970-71 Media
Movizio, Vicki Contributor
Mow Chow Entity
Mowat, Thomas Entity
Mowbray, Thomas Entity
Mowhall rotary mower Entity
Mowing Places with Victa Entity
Mowll, Howard West Kilvinton Entity
Moxham Park Entity
Moxham Road bridge Entity
Moxham, Mary Agnes Entity
Moxham, Robert Henry Entity
Moxham, Thomas Robert Entity
Moxham, William Dick Entity
Moy Sing Entity
Moyes, Bill Entity
Moylan, Mavis Entity
Moylan, Michael Eugene (Mick) Entity
Mr Alderman (Robert) Fowler, the new mayor of Sydney 1880 Media
Mr and Mrs George Rignold and friends c1887 Media
Mr and Mrs Kinder c1865 Media
Mr Baly's Boarding Establishment for Young Gentlemen Entity
Mr Barracluff (Junior) gives Denis a ride, South Head 24 December 1905 Media
Mr Carl Borowsky, interviewed in 1986, remembers horse transport in Liverpool in the 1920s Media
Mr Charles Wilson recalls fishing in the Georges River in the early twentieth century, interviewed in 1986 Media
Mr Domenico Scuglia discusses restrictions on Italians in Australia during WWII, interviewed 1986 Media
Mr E Fowler's Pottery, Camperdown 1865 Media
Mr Eddie Saunders remembers a blacksmith's workshop in Liverpool, interviewed in 1986 Media
Mr Eddie Saunders remembers his mother's bike rental shop in Liverpool, interviewed in 1986 Media
Mr Fred Scott remembers his grandfather's work as a wool classer in Liverpool, interviewed in 1986 Media
Mr GE Ardill, director of the Sydney Rescue Work Society 2 March 1939 Media
Mr George Bates talks about the Ancient Order of Foresters during the Great Depression, interviewed in 1986 Media
Mr George Bates, interviewed in 1986, on working at Ashcroft's Butcher's in Liverpool during the Great Depression Media