The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.

The Dictionary of Sydney was archived in 2021.

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Title Type
Evatt, Elizabeth Entity
Evatt, Herbert Vere 'Doc' Entity
Eve, Dick Entity
Eveleigh Entity
Eveleigh Carriageworks, Redfern 2010 Media
Eveleigh Railway Workshop robbery Entity
Eveleigh railway workshops Entity
Eveleigh Street Entity
Evening News Entity
Everett, Gladys Entity
Everglades Entity
Evergreen Tennis and Squash Courts Entity
Everingham, Matthew Entity
Everitt's Signal Dining Rooms Entity
Everleigh House Entity
Eversley Entity
Eviction at Happy Valley, 24 March 1939 Media
Evzones (Greek soldiers) who led the Greek Day march in Sydney, 28 February 1941 Media
Ewen Park Entity
Ewing, Jon Entity
Ewington, Julie Contributor
Ex-Wrans Association NSW Contributor
Examples of the negatives and envelopes, Crime Scene exhibition 1999 Media
Excavating and building the dry dock at Waterview Bay near Sydney, finished 1856 Media
Excavation of dugong remains at Sheas Creek 1896 Media
Excavation of Sheas Creek 1896 Entity
Excelsior Brickworks Entity
Excelsior Hotel Glebe Entity
Excelsior Hotel, Glebe, ground, first and second floor plans, 1912 Media
Excelsior Land Investment and Building Company Entity
Excelsior Photo Co Contributor
Exchange Centre Entity
Exchange Coffee Palace Entity
Exchange Sydney c1863-1865 Media
Exchange, Sydney, 17 March 1859 Media
Exclusive Memoirs of Madame Christian, 1935 Media
Excursion of the members of the Linnean Society of NSW on the Nepean River, 29 September 1888 Media
Execution of Thomas Barrett 27 February 1788 Entity
Executive Council of Australian Jewry Entity
Executive Council of NSW, 1856 Media
Exhibition Building, Prince Alfred Park, c1890 Media
Exhibition of the Australian Horticultural and Botanical Society 1857 Media
Existing and projected Sydney railways 1926 Media
Expedition to Botany Bay, 'London Chronicle' 24-26 March 1789 Media
Experiment Entity
Experiment Farm Entity
Experiment Farm 4 June 2005 Media
Experiment Farm Cottage Entity
Experiment Farm Cottage, Parramatta 2009 Media
Experimental Drawing students 2009 Media